June 21, 2024
Charts for Days
Shelley Lai took on the massive task of laying out around 70 pages of charts, plus other editorial page layouts, for The Absolute Sound magazine's Ultimate Directory to High End Loudspeakers and Cables. This issue is completely different compared to a normal issue of TAS - it's some traditional editorial page layout up front, followed by pages and pages of charts. The charts are product specifications broken into product type and manufacturer categories. Due to some being lengthy and others being very short, it's not as simple as creating multiple individual layouts. Instead, Shelley created a template which allowed charts to flow from one page to the next, with a key at the bottom of each referencing various technical abbreviations. As well as those, she also created all the front-of-book layouts, and coordinated with the ad sales department on ad placement, and created a number of one-off manufacturer spotlight ads unique to this issue. Take a look at some of the pages below.