October 9, 2023
Magazines in the Background of Bladerunner Have Awesome Cover Art
I came across a post about the magazines created for use in the background of the movie Bladerunner (the original, not Bladerunner 2049). There have been multiple stories written about these over the years, but these are worth showcasing again just for their art styles. Similar to the older issues of The Absolute Sound we've talked about, they all appear hand-drawn, conceptual, and very different from cover to cover. They were obviously designed to be used in the background, and not be viewed close-up, but the detail in some of them are amazing. Take a look at the individual covers below - these aren't the best quality images, but they're good enough that you can appreciate the work. Designs are by production designer and art director Tom Southwell. I love the semi-handrawn feel, and Max Headroom-ish vibes.