Texas Medicine Magazine

Coming Up With Different Approaches to Infographics and Illustrations

Creating a Compelling Look and Feel With Complicated Information and Concepts

We frequently need to make infographics and illustrations that support each other. Sometimes the client will have a bunch of information that needs to be put into various forms -  bar charts, graphs, maps - and also types of information that might not have exact numbers, or is a concept that the client wants to illustrate such as the improvements needed in diversity of hiring across Texas. These are opportunities to produce a hybrid of infographic and illustration.

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Creative Direction

Art Direction

Cover Design

Page Layout

Infographic Design


Creating a Compelling Look and Feel With Complicated Information and Concepts

We frequently need to make infographics and illustrations that support each other. Sometimes the client will have a bunch of information that needs to be put into various forms -  bar charts, graphs, maps - and also types of information that might not have exact numbers, or is a concept that the client wants to illustrate such as the improvements needed in diversity of hiring across Texas. These are opportunities to produce a hybrid of infographic and illustration.

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Creative Direction

Art Direction

Cover Design

Page Layout

Infographic Design


Creating a Compelling Look and Feel With Complicated Information and Concepts

We frequently need to make infographics and illustrations that support each other. Sometimes the client will have a bunch of information that needs to be put into various forms -  bar charts, graphs, maps - and also types of information that might not have exact numbers, or is a concept that the client wants to illustrate such as the improvements needed in diversity of hiring across Texas. These are opportunities to produce a hybrid of infographic and illustration.

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Creative Direction

Art Direction

Cover Design

Page Layout

Infographic Design



Creative Director
Torquil Dewar

Art Director
Shelley Lai

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