Sigh. It’s Pretty Much TMZ, but Local to Austin
Study Breaks magazine, the TMZ of college lifestyle publications, gave us the results of a sex and love survey they conducted, and asked us to turn it into an infographic.
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Page Layout
Infographic Design
Sigh. It’s Pretty Much TMZ, but Local to Austin
Study Breaks magazine, the TMZ of college lifestyle publications, gave us the results of a sex and love survey they conducted, and asked us to turn it into an infographic.
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Page Layout
Infographic Design
Sigh. It’s Pretty Much TMZ, but Local to Austin
Study Breaks magazine, the TMZ of college lifestyle publications, gave us the results of a sex and love survey they conducted, and asked us to turn it into an infographic.
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Page Layout
Infographic Design